What do we hope our kids say about money ?
Ask yourself
How does money play a role in somebody’s life ?
Imagine your kid is 12 and from 20 yrs from now what would you hope he/she would say about relationship with Money ?
My answer is –
I am trying to convey them not by saying but from our behaviour that –
Money is a natural state of flow that comes into our life and goes out from our life.
Money is important in the world. Lesser the requirement, simple the living style more happy we will be.
It’s always better that we preserve for the future.
Relevance of money is in moments.
Imagine you are showing the finger towards Nature.
And that Nature is Love and that finger is your time, energy, attention and money.
Present is the Love and your steps towards it are your Time, Attention and Money.
Inspired by guru Carl Richard
Kavita .S. Devi CFP, CM