What are our Inner resources?
Our Skills, Positivity, Honesty, Discipline, Persistence, Good health habits, Care & Dedication…
- Most important amongst all resources is SACRIFICE (of one’s time & energy) for loved ones
- Ability to earn income
- Capacity to save (saying no now to say yes in the future)
What are Outward Resources?
- Salary income
- Professional income
- Business Income
- Investment income from Real estate (Rent), Equity (Growth), Fixed deposit (Interest) & Gold (growth likewise inflation)
From that we accomplish our present and future requirements. And our outward resources should beat inflation.
Observation –
When Family income fluctuates or at the time of financial challenges, family & children with “Inner resources” tend to do well.
Wishing you all to Focus on your “Inner Resources” with your “Outward Resources”.
Kavita S Devi, CFP CM